
Project Expense Tracker

Internal Systems Enhancements - Sep 2016


Between projects, I was tasked with building a system to show reports of the financial aspects of a project. This system was entirely coded by me, but I cooperated heavily with our operations manager for the architecture. The first tool needed was an estimation tool. With this tool, project managers would input any projected costs for a project. The next tool was the expense tracker; here is where project managers input all expenses incurred for a project. Once I had our estimated costs and our actual costs data, I could start showing reports. The reports tab not only pulled data from the two tools I created, but from 3 more sources of data: warehouse inventory, USPS shipping api, and an internal shipping system. The result is a detailed view of the projects financial status, broken down by category. If a category is ever within a certain amount of the estimated cost or is over the estimated cost, an alert is sent out to the project manager. If costs hit an account for which there is no estimation, an alert goes out for that as well.

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Project cost estimation

This tool would allow a project manager to input all expenses related to a project. Each new block is its own category which can expand to show all expenses related to that category.

The invoice tracker

This is the tool used for recording all invoices we received. An invoice might be payed with various AMEX cards or with different bank accounts, depending on what the invoice was for. Each invoice could be broken down by categories and could even be split up into different jobs.

This tool recorded:

  • Who submitted the invoice
  • Which vendor the invoice came from
  • The date and cost of the invoice
  • Which payment method would be used to settle the invoice
  • Which category and which project the invoice could be associated with.

No design direction

While all functionality was heavily discussed and determined between me and several managers, the styling and layout was completely up to me.