I Visited Finland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania with three awesome guys: Jalen, Cooper, and Nick. It was an incredible experience; most places we were, were very cheap. Consequently, we were able to eat at restaurants all the time and drink a lot. To get between the countries capitals we took buses. While each bus ride I was ridiculously hung over (or just plain drunk) the views were beautiful.
The coolest memory I have of the entire trip requires a short excerpt. Me and Cooper were at a night club in Latvia that had the dj in the cockpit of a full plane that was halfway through the wall, so it was already super cool. It was approaching 6 am and the party was raging. They opened up a wall which led to a pool. The sun was coming up, it was raining outside, and I was in a pool in overlooking the Duagava river. It was absolutely surreal. Then, we had forgotten we had a bus to catch and had less than an hour to get to the bus. That bus ride was pretty rough a few hours in.